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Tetsuro Matsuzawa e Dora Biro, «Cláudia Sousa’s parallel efforts in the laboratory and in the field: from the use of tokens by captive chimpanzees to the ontogeny of wild chimpanzee tool use», Etnográfica [Online], vol. 20 (3) | 2016, posto online no dia 27 novembro 2016, consultado o 16 abril 2024. URL: ; DOI:

Referência do documento impresso

Tetsuro Matsuzawa e Dora Biro, «Cláudia Sousa’s parallel efforts in the laboratory and in the field: from the use of tokens by captive chimpanzees to the ontogeny of wild chimpanzee tool use», Etnográfica, vol. 20 (3) | 2016, 641-644.